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Guideline to use ALGOGENE DLL in MetaTrader

We are pleased to announce that ALGOGENE is now available as a plugin for MetaTrader (MT4 and MT5)! ...


ALGOGENE Market Data Solutions

What market data is available on ALGOGENE? The list below will get update from time to time. ASSET CLASS SYMBOL DESCRIPTION AVAILABLE FROM ...


Invest like a professional with Portfolio Builder

What is an Investment Portfolio? In financial market, a portfolio generally refers to a collection of financial investments, such as bonds, stocks, commodities, etc. In fact, a portfolio can also include any tradable assets like r ...


Data exploration with Jupyter Notebook

Here comes a new platform feature on ALGOGENE to directly work with Jupyter Notebook! ...


Are Cryptos currency?

In the past few years, different forms of "crypto-currencies" such as Bitcoin and Litecoin, have emerged in the financial market. These cryptos usually have the following properties: deploy the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), ...


Connect Trading Account with WhaleFin

ALGOGENE now supports users to trade with WhaleFin accounts using ALGOGENE dedicated trading gateway! Open WhaleFin trading accounts through our partnership link , you will enjoy: ...


Connect Trading Account with IG

ALGOGENE now supports users to trade with IG accounts using ALGOGENE dedicated trading gateway! ...


All you need to know about Sharpe Ratio

What is Sharpe Ratio? The Sharpe ratio was developed by William F. Sharpe, a Nobel laureate, to help investors understand the return on an investment in relation to its risk. The ratio measures the return earned in exce ...


Time Series Analysis - Autoregressive Model

 What is an Autoregressive Model? An autoregressive (AR) model predicts future behavior based on past results. It is used for forecasting when there is some correlation between values in a time series and the values that precede an ...


Guideline to import custom package

Suppose we already have a python package/function created on a local machine. This article will guide you through the steps to plug into ALGOGENE for backtest, live-test or real-trading. ...


Guideline to backtest with custom datasets

New features For more feasibility of our platform, ALGOGENE now supports new features: import multiple custom data files specify user-defined file formats ...


Guideline to setup OTP Authenticator

What is OTP Authenticator? OTP Authenticator is a dynamic password generator for time-based one-time password (OTP). Its working principle is similar to SMS dynamic verification. After binding, a dynamic verification code is ...


Paper Trade with ALGOGENE Live Simulator

What is paper trading? Paper Trading (also called Live Testing, Demo Trading, or Mock Trading) is a real-time simulation of trade which allows an investor to practice buying and selling without risking real money. The te ...


3 Common Order Types You Should Know

There are 3 order types that are commonly used in securities trading, namely Market Order Limit Order Stop Order Different order types can result in vastly different outcomes. It is important to understand how they differ and when to consider each. ...


投資懶人包 - 5分鐘看懂 NFT

「NFT」一詞在近年的討論熱度持續攀升, 到底 NFT 是甚麼什麼? NFT幣、 NFT交易平台、 NFT藝術品、 甚至是與元宇宙有什麼關係? NFT 到底是炒作還是有其投資價值? 一些專家說,NFT 是一個即將爆破的泡沫,就像千禧年代的互聯網熱潮一樣。 其他人則認為 NFT 將繼續存在, 而且將改變過往的藝術投資方式。 今天, 小編馬上為大家介紹 NFT 的入門資訊! ...


一文看懂 Web 3.0

近年, 元宇宙、區塊鏈、NFT、加密貨幣、去中心化等科技概念討論熱度越來越高。 而提及元宇宙, 其中一個必不可少的概念就是 Web 3.0。 不少學者和資訊科技工作者都認為, Web 3.0將會是一場前所未有的科技革命, 在未來能夠為人們的生活帶來更多便利。 今天馬上為大家介紹這Web 3.0 到底會帶來怎樣的革新! 互聯網的歷史 簡單來說, Web 3.0 就是第三代互聯網。 顧名思義, 在Web 3.0之前自然先有Web 1.0和Web 2.0的存在。 ...


Understand Stop Loss Mechanism

Basic Stop Loss Stop loss is an order exit mechanism that is commonly used for downside protection. When we submit orders to a trading system, a stop loss level specifies the price level at which the long (short) ...


Risk Measurement using Value-At-Risk (VaR)

Background Under Basel's risk management framework, financial risks can be classified into 3 main categories: Market Risk Credit Risk Operational Risk ...


Understand Order Matching

The article discusses the importance of an order book, and how trade orders are matched during Continous Trading Session (CTS) and Closing Auction Session (CAS), and the algorithm generally adopted ...


What is money?

Definition It is generally agreed by economists that money should support at least 3 key functions: Medium of exchange: it must be generally accepted as a means of payment for goods/services exchange. ...


Introduction to CFD products

What is CFDs? Contract for differences (CFD) is a financial contract where profit-and-loss is the direct differences between the open and closed prices of an underlying. The underlying of CFDs could be a stock, ...


Overview of Leverage and Margin

Most of the times, the terms leverage and margin are used together. Although they both involve borrowing, leverage and margin are in fact interconnected but different thing. What is Leverage? ...


Some Guidelines for Strategy Backtesting

 What is Backtesting? Backtesting is a retrodiction process to cross validate a predictive model over previous time period. In financial analysis for investment strategy or risk modeling, backtesting would be used to es ...


All you need to know about DAO: The Future of Organizations

Centralized organizations have led the way for the development and expansion of the internet over the past two decades. Decentralization is a hot topic in the tech industry right now as the interne ...


No longer support trading services on Eqonex

Dear AlgoGene users, Eqonex has announced to stop trading services on Aug 22 , 2022. If you are currentl ...