
Guideline to backtest with custom datasets

New features For more feasibility of our platform, ALGOGENE now supports new features: import multiple custom data files specify user-defined file formats ...


Connect Trading Account with Interactive Brokers

In connection with Interactive Brokers, users can now trade with IB accounts using ALGOGENE dedicated trading gateway! ...


Are Cryptos currency?

In the past few years, different forms of "crypto-currencies" such as Bitcoin and Litecoin, have emerged in the financial market. These cryptos usually have the following properties: deploy the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), ...


What is money?

Definition It is generally agreed by economists that money should support at least 3 key functions: Medium of exchange: it must be generally accepted as a means of payment for goods/services exchange. ...


How to set the data interval to "full tick" ?

I can only set the data interval to "one day" but I wan to activate newsdatafeed. Can anyone help me? Thanks. ...


Introduction to CFD products

What is CFDs? Contract for differences (CFD) is a financial contract where profit-and-loss is the direct differences between the open and closed prices of an underlying. The underlying of CFDs could be a stock, ...

Bee Bee

How to print a debug message?

The python 'print' function doesn't work on the backtest platform. Any one can help? I tried print("hello world") , but nothing shown in the 'console' session. ...


Publish your trading robots to create alternative income

This article following the post ALGOGENE Marketplace FAQ is to provide further information, guidelines and detailed steps for potential strategy ...


Guidelines to re-use model results for backtests

When developing a trading algorithm, it may be the case where we have trained/built a particular model for a financial instrument and want to apply it on other financial sectors/markets. For such c ...


Matplotlib for data visualization on ALGOGENE IDE

Visualizing datasets on ALGOGENE Research Lab is extremely simple. This articles shows you how to apply a popular Python charting library 'matplotlib' to acheive this. With 'matplotlib', you can cr ...


Deploying your first Robo-Trader

This article shows you how to deploy a Robo-Trader for either live-testing or real-trading, on ALGOGENE platform. ...


Connect Trading Account with IG

ALGOGENE now supports users to trade with IG accounts using ALGOGENE dedicated trading gateway! ...


ALGOGENE Marketplace FAQ

 What is ALGOGENE Marketplace? ALGOGENE Marketplace is our brand-new 2-sided social trading service. [Subscriber] : For those who want to invest but lack of experience or time, it gives you the ability to invest in the strategies from experienced professionals! ...



 What can I do with your REST API? ALGOGENE REST API service enables headless read/write access and perform ALGOGENE actions. These APIs can enable a number of custom solutions or extend core features to be embedded into ancillary w ...


Overview of Leverage and Margin

Most of the times, the terms leverage and margin are used together. Although they both involve borrowing, leverage and margin are in fact interconnected but different thing. What is Leverage? ...


Some Guidelines for Strategy Backtesting

 What is Backtesting? Backtesting is a retrodiction process to cross validate a predictive model over previous time period. In financial analysis for investment strategy or risk modeling, backtesting would be used to es ...


ALGOGENE Mobile App Installation Guide

 This article goes through the steps to "install" ALGOGENE as a mobile app. Installation Steps In your mobile device, browse ...


Connect Trading Account with OANDA

 In connection with OANDA, users can now trade with OANDA accounts using ALGOGENE dedicated trading gateway! ...


Algo Live Testing

What is Algo Live Testing? Algo Live Testing allows you to quickly execute your Trading Strategy to a set of broker's demo account before you go live. The demo account will be able to process the whole trade life cycle, incl ...


Installing Python on Windows (Anaconda)

 This tutorial will demonstrate how you can install Anaconda, a powerful package manager, on Microsoft Windows. What is Anaconda? Anaconda is a distribution of Python. It is free and open-source and makes package management and deployment simpler. Keep reading to see how. It is the standard platform for Python data science an ...


FX Market Introduction

This article discuss some general jargon and property of Foreign Exchange market. In fact, compared to other asset classes, Foreign Exchange market, also called forex or FX market, is more favorabl ...


Stock Forecast - Autoregressive Model

This article discuss the implementation of Auto-Regressive (AR) Model as a forecasting trading strategy, then backtest the preformance in ALGOGENE Research Lab. Library to use: ...


Time Series Analysis - Autoregressive Model

 What is an Autoregressive Model? An autoregressive (AR) model predicts future behavior based on past results. It is used for forecasting when there is some correlation between values in a time series and the values that precede an ...


Python - Basic Syntax

 This series of tutorials will help you get familiar with some basic Python language, which will be useful develop your Algo in ALGOGENE Research Lab. First Python Program There are basically 2 modes to execute Python programs. ...


ALGOGENE Research Lab

What is ALGOGENE Research Lab? The ALGOGENE Research Lab is an open platform containing a set of APIs, which offers users the right to access data within ALGOGENE, for the backtest and development of new quantitative model, stra ...