Question about market data

Hello, I am now studying to be aware of Algogene's backtesting engine. I run this code and the result shows this result. CODE class AlgoEvent: ...

How to get historical data (crypto algo competition)

Hi, I tried to use the getHistoricalBar to retrieve past price data based on the tech docs, but it doesnt work, got some missing evt or mevt error. ...


How to deploy model from Juypter Notebook?

Following this post , I have trained a model using the online Juypter Notebook. My question is how can I dep ...


Invest like a professional with Portfolio Builder

What is an Investment Portfolio? In financial market, a portfolio generally refers to a collection of financial investments, such as bonds, stocks, commodities, etc. In fact, a portfolio can also include any tradable assets like r ...


Guideline to use ALGOGENE DLL in MetaTrader

We are pleased to announce that ALGOGENE is now available as a plugin for MetaTrader (MT4 and MT5)! ...


Guideline for trade size scaling

Overview In ALGOGENE Marketplace , you can subscribe various strategies, and decide how the signal volume is scaled while being copied to your trading account. ...


投資懶人包 - 5分鐘看懂 NFT

「NFT」一詞在近年的討論熱度持續攀升, 到底 NFT 是甚麼什麼? NFT幣、 NFT交易平台、 NFT藝術品、 甚至是與元宇宙有什麼關係? NFT 到底是炒作還是有其投資價值? 一些專家說,NFT 是一個即將爆破的泡沫,就像千禧年代的互聯網熱潮一樣。 其他人則認為 NFT 將繼續存在, 而且將改變過往的藝術投資方式。 今天, 小編馬上為大家介紹 NFT 的入門資訊! ...

Initial capital is missing in livetest?

I can set "initial capital" for backtest, but I can't where to set it for livetest. How can I reset the capital for live simulation? ...


AlgoBot partners with coding lab Algogene for code-to-earn

AlgoBot unveiled the partnership with Algogene for code-to-earn. What does this partnership aim to achieve? ...

A trend following strategy based on volatility approach

In this article, we will introduce a simple trend following strategy using a volatility approach. Volatility Decomposition: Upside vs Downside Volatility is used to reflect the magnitude of market fluctuation, and it is usually used to observe market sentiment or predict market trends. In financial market, due to the behavior of "Market t ...


All you need to know about Sharpe Ratio

What is Sharpe Ratio? The Sharpe ratio was developed by William F. Sharpe, a Nobel laureate, to help investors understand the return on an investment in relation to its risk. The ratio measures the return earned in exce ...

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Close price vs Adjusted Close

For the Adjusted Close in Yahoo Finance, I know that it adjusts the Closing price in order to smooth out the effect of stock dividends, stock split, etc. However, I don't find any documentation h ...


What is the winning rate of a trading strategy?

Hi community, I have a question about "Wining Rate". I read a lot from different articles and find it confused with its definition. some ppl mentioned it i ...


Automate your trading with Robo-Advisor

This article shows you how to deploy a Robo-Advisor for either live-testing or real-trading, on ALGOGENE platform. ...


Introducing the ALGOGENE Referral Program

ALGOGENE Referral Program lets you and your friend both earn a bonus, as soon as your friend (also called "invitee") signs up for an ALGO ...


Connect Trading Account with Binance

ALGOGENE now supports users to trade with Binance accounts using ALGOGENE dedicated trading gateway! Open Binance trading accounts through our partnership link , you will be entitled to HK$300 free credits on ALGOGE ...


一文看懂 Web 3.0

近年, 元宇宙、區塊鏈、NFT、加密貨幣、去中心化等科技概念討論熱度越來越高。 而提及元宇宙, 其中一個必不可少的概念就是 Web 3.0。 不少學者和資訊科技工作者都認為, Web 3.0將會是一場前所未有的科技革命, 在未來能夠為人們的生活帶來更多便利。 今天馬上為大家介紹這Web 3.0 到底會帶來怎樣的革新! 互聯網的歷史 簡單來說, Web 3.0 就是第三代互聯網。 顧名思義, 在Web 3.0之前自然先有Web 1.0和Web 2.0的存在。 ...


Connect trading account with Exness

ALGOGENE now supports users to trade with Exness accounts using ALGOGENE dedicated trading gateway! Open Exness trading accounts through our partnership link , you will be entitled to HK$300 free credits on ALGOGENE! ...

How to change leverage and currency for live test?

Hello, for the live test account, I would like to change the base currency to HKD , instead of USD also the leverage to 10 , instead of 5 ...

Why PL keeps changing while my position is zero?

From my understanding, NAV and "Cumulative PnL" should remain unchanged, if there is no outstanding positions. However, from the backtest result (see highlighted below), for certain days when "Net Position" is zero, "Cumulative PnL" is not constant. ...


How to get historical data before algo starts?

My strategy needs 1-year of past closing prices to build the tensorflow model. I see the platform processing data in a stream format. Is it possible to get historical data be ...


Link up ALGOGENE with Telegram

This article goes through the steps to link up ALGOGENE with your Telegram app. What is Telegram? Telegram is a popular instant messaging application, with 400 million monthly active users as of April 2020. It provides an end-to-end encryption for secret chats, and exchange photos, videos, stic ...


ALGOGENE Market Data Solutions

What market data is available on ALGOGENE? The list below will get update from time to time. ASSET CLASS SYMBOL DESCRIPTION AVAILABLE FROM ...

Is economic data available in tick environment only?

In backtesting, it seems economic data stream is only available in tick environment. Is it possible to use econ data for other time intervals? ...


How to query on-the-run future data?

Hello community! According to REST API Doc , I know I can query historical OHLC data for pla ...