
許多金融機構因應人工智能(AI)的廣泛應用而開始調整其人力資源策略。某些銀行早前公布計劃在未來數年內引入AI系統,使部分工作可自動化完成,這一趨勢顯示在金融行業中,AI不僅提升了效率,也改變了傳統的工作模式。 集多功能於一身 AI代理型聊天機械人(Agentic Al)作為新一 代聊天機械人,可結合分析師,客戶經理,市場推廣的功能,提升金融服務的效率和客戶體驗,這種機械人利用自然語言處理(NLP)、機器學習和數據分析等技術,能夠理解客戶的需求,主動提供個 性化的建議和訊息。本文將深入探討這款聊天機核人的功能、應用場景及其對金融服務的影響。 首先介紹其功能,可以覆蓋四方面。 ...


Question about order placement

I am able to place order and got this error " Invalid order is rejected due to insufficient capital " Here is my code. Please help! ...


Abnormal Price Behaviour

The price of TSLA dropped from 815.91 to 250.084 in 2020 which could be due to stock split which caused inaccurate ev ...


Time Zone of Stock Data

Hi Tommy, thanks for the clarification, I'm using minute level data. ...


Understanding Agentic AI: Revolutionizing Finance

What is Agentic AI? Agentic AI refers to autonomous systems designed to make decisions and interact with their environments, significantly transforming the finance sector. Unlike traditional AI, which often relies on ...

Struggling with my crypto trading algorithm: Any Tips?

Hey everyone! I’ve been working on a crypto trading algorithm, but the performance hasn’t been great. ...


最近一個月,AI模型開源化促使各行業快速 發展,每天都有公司宣布接駁大語言模型提供服 務,人類的生產力概念正在經歷深刻的變革。人 類不再僅僅被視為生產力的單位。AI的崛起促使 了一種全新經濟理論的生,未來的工作和收入模式將徹底改變。 未來每個人都能擁有多個永久工作的收入来。 源。AI將成為主要的勞動力,幫助我們管理日常 工作,從而提高整體生產力。 AI助手能夠自動回覆電子郵件,篩選重要訊 息,並在需要時提醒用戶,讓人們專注於更具創 造性的任務。AI還能協助處理索賠發票,無論是 核對還是提交,都能到達而準確地完成,減少人 為錯誤的發生。 ...


Error in calling OpenAI

Hi all, I tried using the openai library for analyzing news data, but it returns error "unsupported_country_region_territory" How can I fix it? ...


在當前快速變化的科技環境中,人工智能(AI)已成為各行各業的重要推動力。隨着 DeepSeek作為一個開源項目的崛起,AI發展迎 來了新機遇,並驅使服務供應商重新調整商業策 略,本文將深入探討開源與開源的不同、蒸餾法 的優勢,DeepSeek-R1模型對硬體的依賴,以及 開源如何促進AI的加速發展。 開源和閉源是軟體開發中的兩種截然不同的 模式。開源軟體的源碼公開,任何人都可以查看。 修改、分發,這模式不僅促進了技術的合作與創 新,還讓全球的開發者能夠共同改進和擴展軟體 功能。相對而言,開源軟體的源碼則被封閉,只有 開發公司能控制和修改,使用者通常只能接受產 品的既定功能。 ...


How can I have multiple backtests at the same time?

Every time when I run a backtest on the platform, I need to wait for it to complete or cancel it first before I can run another backtest. Is there any way I can run multiple backtests at the ...

AI取代基金經理 分析市場資訊、偵測情緒、匯報表現

香港金融業過去幾年面臨供過於求的挑戰,券商和資產管理公司之間競爭激烈,金融產品重疊,投資者轉投外地市場。作為一位擁有14年投行及資產管理經驗的AI科技園孵化公司創辦人, 筆者認為唯有依靠創新科技,提升服務質素、產品獨特性及客戶覆蓋能力,才能在競爭中突圍。 ...


Can i get the source code of a subscribed strategy?

Hi I subscribed a strategy from the marketplace . I want to get the source code and change the parameters (eg. TP, SL, etc). How can I ...


Guideline for work submission on ALGOGENE

Hello Traders! When you participate in our trading competitions or classes, you’ll need to submit your final work. This article provides a clear guide on how to submit your algo strategy on the pla ...

AI 算法交易有神預測嗎?

在金融市場的發展歷史上,投資者總是渴望找到一種“神預測”工具,隨著人工智能(AI)科技的進步,AI算法交易能夠準確預測市場走勢並實現穩定的收益嗎? AI 是製作門匙的記憶泥膠 市場有大量特徵數據,包括價格、交易量、新聞、社交媒體和經濟指標等,猶如印鈔機開關鎖裡的凹凸坑紋,而這些坑紋每天都在變,開啟印鈔機只有三條百合匙 (長倉、淡倉、沒有持倉),要製作百合匙首要有過往每個鎖的歷史數據,AI 就是製作門匙的記憶泥膠,填滿每個鎖就會有很多條獨一無二的匙,再分為三類匙 (長倉、淡倉、沒有持倉),每類匙只提取共通的坑紋造成該類的百合匙。由於坑紋每秒在變,只需要每秒都查看變成 ...

ディープラーニング モデルに関する経験の共有

ディープラーニング モデルに取り組んだ経験のある方はいらっしゃいますか? 私は取引戦略でディープラーニングを使用していますが、バックテストを完了するのに非常に時間がかかることがわかりました。計算速度を改善するためのアドバイスがあれば助かります。 ...


How long does it take to build a trading program from scratch?

Hi all, I am totally new to algo-trading. I have my trading ideas and want to automate it via algo-trading. How long does it take to start from scratch to automate for real trading eventuall ...


Connect Trading Account with Bitrue

ALGOGENE now supports users to trade with Bitrue accounts using ALGOGENE dedicated trading gateway! ...


Guideline to upload custom market data for portfolio analysis

This article provides demonstrate how to analyze an investment portfolio beyond the trading universe of ALGOGENE. import custom data files specify user-defined instrument and file formats ...


Why there is funding fee for perpetual future?

For short selling prep future on Binance, how come I can receive "funding fee"? ...


Filtering on algo marketplace

For the Algo Marketplace how can I filter by asset cla ...

Introduction to Chaikin Money Flow Indicator

The Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) indicator is a powerful technical analysis tool used by traders and investors to measure buying and selling pressure in the market. Also known as the Chaikin Accumulati ...

Insight About Crypto Trends Using On-Chain Data

Introduction The cryptocurrency market is known for its volatility and rapid price fluctuations. As traders and investors seek to navigate this unpredictable landscape, on-chain data has emerged as a crucial an ...

A Useful Market Indicator: Hurst Exponent

Introduction The Hurst exponent, denoted as H , is a measure of the long-term memory of time series data. Originally developed to analyze hydrological data, it has gained prominence in financial ma ...


Solemn Statement 2024.07.16

Dear Users, Recently, we have discovered that malicious individuals are using the following website and Telegram channel to impersonate our company, ALGOGENE, for false a ...


量化交易是金融市場中的一個重要領域,吸引了許多投資者的關注。以下是你需要知道的10件事,幫助你更好地理解和進入這個世界。 1. 程式交易的優勢 ...