
Connect Trading Account with Binance

How it work

ALGOGENE now supports users to trade with Binance accounts using ALGOGENE dedicated trading gateway!

Open Binance trading accounts through our partnership link, you will be entitled to HK$300 free credits on ALGOGENE!


This article goes through the steps to connect ALGOGENE with your Binance trading account (either demo account or real trading account). The overall workflow is summarized in this diagram.


Who is Binance?

Binance ( is currently the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world in terms of daily trading volume. It was founded in 2017 and is registered in the Cayman Islands. It offers spot and perpetual future trading for over 200 Crypto currencies.

Client Onboarding on Binance

  • Sign up on Binance website
  • Follow the instruction to verify your email/mobile
  • onboard

Get trading account info

For Real-Trading account,

  • Login Binance portal
  • Go to "API Management",
  • API_management

  • Label your API name, then click "Create API"
  • Create API

  • Copy your "API Key" and "Secret Key"
  • API_config

  • Click "Edit restrictions", check the followings, then "Save"
    • Enable Reading
    • Enable Spot & Margin Trading
    • Enable Future Trading
    • Enable Vanilla Options
    • Unrestricted IP access

For demo account,

Config on ALGOGENE

  • Login ALGOGENE portal
  • Go to 'Settings' -> 'Trade Account'
  • Select an ALGOGENE live-test or real-trade account depending on your case
  • algogene_config

  • Choose "Binance" in broker dropdown
  • Update the connection settings as follows:
    • "API Key" -> Your Binance's API Key
    • "Password" -> Your Binance's API Secret


Deploy Algo

After successful connection from above, you are now ready to deploy and trade an Algo with Binance.

1. Deploy from a DIY script

  • Under ALGOGENE 'settings', choose your Binance linked account
  • algogene_deploy

  • deploy any one of your backtested script
  • algogene_deploy2

2. Deploy from algo marketplace subscription

  • Explore available trading bots from ALGOGENE Marketplace
  • Choose a desired trading bot, click "SUBSCRIBE"
  • Select your desired "Run Mode" and "Account", then click "SUBMIT"
  • subcribe

  • Go to [Setting] > [Algo Market] > [My Subscribed Algo Strategy], you should see your subscribed Algo is active in trading for you. You have the feasibility to "Stop copy trade" and "Start copy trade" at any time.
  • start

Demo Video

Happy Trading! :)

There are some difference between Binance Testnet and real account. 

  • Binance testnet server is reset every day in which all the outstanding position will be closed automatically. Due to this restriction, ALGOGENE users should be aware that trading strategy running on Binance testnet account may behave differently. 
  • There are no restrictions in terms of trading product for testnet account. However, for real trading, users should be aware that there are regional restriction on the trading products . 
    • For example, Hong Kong and China residents are currently prohibited from derivatives trading (including Perpetual Future and Option) on Binance.
