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Filtering on algo marketplace

For the Algo Marketplace how can I filter by asset cla ...


Insight About Crypto Trends Using On-Chain Data

Introduction The cryptocurrency market is known for its volatility and rapid price fluctuations. As traders and investors seek to navigate this unpredictable landscape, on-chain data has emerged as a crucial an ...


Understand Order Matching

The article discusses the importance of an order book, and how trade orders are matched during Continous Trading Session (CTS) and Closing Auction Session (CAS), and the algorithm generally adopted ...

Tommy Lai

How to register Bitget account for HK residents?

Hi, we are participants for the Algo Trading Challenge 2023/24 (Global) for the crypto stream. We check that Bitget website is not accessible for HK residents. How can we register Bitget acc ...


Understand Ethereum 2.0

Ethereum had completed its mainnet merge on September 15 this year. It is deemed to be a substantial event in the history of Cryptocurrencies. The way Ethereum fundamentally works has now changed. ...


Why there is funding fee for perpetual future?

For short selling prep future on Binance, how come I can receive "funding fee"? ...

tony lam

Understanding Bitcoin Pricing: Key Factors Behind the Volatility

Bitcoin's price is a fascinating topic, shaped by a dynamic interplay of market forces. Let’s break down the essentials to help you navigate this cryptocurrency landscape. ...

I can beat Buffett

Understand the difference between Pip, Point, Tick

Pips, Points, and Ticks are common trading terms to describe price changes in financial markets. The use of these terms depends upon the market being discussed and the amount of the price change in ...


Some Guidelines for Strategy Backtesting

 What is Backtesting? Backtesting is a retrodiction process to cross validate a predictive model over previous time period. In financial analysis for investment strategy or risk modeling, backtesting would be used to es ...



BTC有暴跌風險? 專家分析加密貨幣市場走勢 1. ...


Unlocking the Mysteries of Algorithmic Trading Vs Copy Trading: Which Strategy Suits You Best?

Algorithmic Trading and Copy Trading are two of the most commonly adopted trading strategies in today's fast-paced financial markets. Both provide investors with the advantage of carrying out lucra This article will delve into the nuances of each strategy, highlighting their respective pros and cons to aid you in identifying the option best suited to your trading goals. ...


Introduction to CFD products

What is CFDs? Contract for differences (CFD) is a financial contract where profit-and-loss is the direct differences between the open and closed prices of an underlying. The underlying of CFDs could be a stock, ...


Understand Stop Loss Mechanism

Basic Stop Loss Stop loss is an order exit mechanism that is commonly used for downside protection. When we submit orders to a trading system, a stop loss level specifies the price level at which the long (short) ...


3 Common Order Types You Should Know

There are 3 order types that are commonly used in securities trading, namely Market Order Limit Order Stop Order Different order types can result in vastly different outcomes. It is important to understand how they differ and when to consider each. ...


Are Cryptos currency?

In the past few years, different forms of "crypto-currencies" such as Bitcoin and Litecoin, have emerged in the financial market. These cryptos usually have the following properties: deploy the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), ...


Is financial market a zero-sum game?

I don't have much financial knowledge. I was told that the financial market is the biggest casino in the world. Every dollar I earn is coming from someone else in the market. Is i ...

Sharwan Patel

What is the margin assumption on ALGOGENE?

Hi team, I encounter many auto-closed positions while backtesting. I believve it is related to margin call? May I know what is the margin assumption on ALGOGENE? I want to imp ...


FX Market Introduction

This article discuss some general jargon and property of Foreign Exchange market. In fact, compared to other asset classes, Foreign Exchange market, also called forex or FX market, is more favorabl ...

Irene Cheung


量化交易是金融市場中的一個重要領域,吸引了許多投資者的關注。以下是你需要知道的10件事,幫助你更好地理解和進入這個世界。 1. 程式交易的優勢 ...


The pros and cons of ChatGPT in FinTech

The recent hottest topic must be ChatGPT, which is a text-based artificial intelligence tool launched by OpenAI on November 30, 2022. It is a chatbot based on natural language processing technology ...


一文看懂 Web 3.0

近年, 元宇宙、區塊鏈、NFT、加密貨幣、去中心化等科技概念討論熱度越來越高。 而提及元宇宙, 其中一個必不可少的概念就是 Web 3.0。 不少學者和資訊科技工作者都認為, Web 3.0將會是一場前所未有的科技革命, 在未來能夠為人們的生活帶來更多便利。 今天馬上為大家介紹這Web 3.0 到底會帶來怎樣的革新! 互聯網的歷史 簡單來說, Web 3.0 就是第三代互聯網。 顧名思義, 在Web 3.0之前自然先有Web 1.0和Web 2.0的存在。 ...


投資懶人包 - 5分鐘看懂 NFT

「NFT」一詞在近年的討論熱度持續攀升, 到底 NFT 是甚麼什麼? NFT幣、 NFT交易平台、 NFT藝術品、 甚至是與元宇宙有什麼關係? NFT 到底是炒作還是有其投資價值? 一些專家說,NFT 是一個即將爆破的泡沫,就像千禧年代的互聯網熱潮一樣。 其他人則認為 NFT 將繼續存在, 而且將改變過往的藝術投資方式。 今天, 小編馬上為大家介紹 NFT 的入門資訊! ...

Ka Ka

Is it a good time to invest now?

All markets have dropped significantly in these few months, do you guys think it is a good time to invest again now? ...


All you need to know about DAO: The Future of Organizations

Centralized organizations have led the way for the development and expansion of the internet over the past two decades. Decentralization is a hot topic in the tech industry right now as the interne ...


What is money?

Definition It is generally agreed by economists that money should support at least 3 key functions: Medium of exchange: it must be generally accepted as a means of payment for goods/services exchange. ...