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tony lam

Understanding Bitcoin Pricing: Key Factors Behind the Volatility

Bitcoin's price is a fascinating topic, shaped by a dynamic interplay of market forces. Let’s break down the essentials to help you navigate this cryptocurrency landscape. ...



BTC有暴跌風險? 專家分析加密貨幣市場走勢 1. ...


Unlocking the Mysteries of Algorithmic Trading Vs Copy Trading: Which Strategy Suits You Best?

Algorithmic Trading and Copy Trading are two of the most commonly adopted trading strategies in today's fast-paced financial markets. Both provide investors with the advantage of carrying out lucra This article will delve into the nuances of each strategy, highlighting their respective pros and cons to aid you in identifying the option best suited to your trading goals. ...


Is financial market a zero-sum game?

I don't have much financial knowledge. I was told that the financial market is the biggest casino in the world. Every dollar I earn is coming from someone else in the market. Is i ...

Monkey Trader

High-Frequency Trading good or bad?

I found an interesting video. ...


Unleashing the Power of Robo-Traders: A Comparative Analysis

In the fast-paced world of financial markets, algorithmic trading has emerged as a game-changer, providing traders with a competitive edge and the ability to capitalize on market opportunities swif ...


Understand Ethereum 2.0

Ethereum had completed its mainnet merge on September 15 this year. It is deemed to be a substantial event in the history of Cryptocurrencies. The way Ethereum fundamentally works has now changed. ...


Overview of Leverage and Margin

Most of the times, the terms leverage and margin are used together. Although they both involve borrowing, leverage and margin are in fact interconnected but different thing. What is Leverage? ...

Ka Ka

Close price vs Adjusted Close

For the Adjusted Close in Yahoo Finance, I know that it adjusts the Closing price in order to smooth out the effect of stock dividends, stock split, etc. However, I don't find any documentation h ...