Dear Users,
Recently, we have discovered that malicious individuals are using the following website and Telegram channel to impersonate our company, ALGOGENE, for false advertising and to defraud users into investing in cryptocurrency:
- https://algogene-ai.com/
- https://t.me/s/ALGOGENE_AI
Hereby, we solemnly declare that ALGOGENE has no affiliation with the aforementioned website and Telegram channel. These platforms are counterfeit, using our name to conduct illegal activities. Our company never collects customer deposits nor raises funds through any unofficial channels.
To ensure the safety of your funds, please be vigilant and avoid falling victim to scams. If you have any questions or need further verification of information, please contact us through our official website https://algogene.com or through our official customer service channels.
Thank you for your support and trust in ALGOGENE!
Date: July 16, 2024
近日我們發現有不法份子利用下列網站及 Telegram 頻道,冒充我們 ALGOGENE 公司,進行虛假宣傳及騙取用戶投資加密貨幣:
- https://algogene-ai.com/
- https://t.me/s/ALGOGENE_AI
在此,我們嚴正聲明,ALGOGENE 與上述網站及 Telegram 頻道並無任何關聯。這些平台均屬於假冒,利用我們的名稱進行非法活動。我們公司從來不會收取客戶存款,也不會通過任何非官方渠道進行資金募集。
為保障您的資金安全,請您務必提高警覺,謹防受騙。如有任何疑問或需要進一步核實信息,請通過我們的官方網站 https://algogene.com 或官方客服渠道進行查詢。
感謝您對 ALGOGENE 的支持與信任!