What can I do with your REST API?
ALGOGENE REST API service enables headless read/write access and perform ALGOGENE actions. These APIs can enable a number of custom solutions or extend core features to be embedded into ancillary workflows, tools, or projects.
The current version of API enables performing below tasks:
- Realtime/Historical Data Query
- Market data
- News
- Economic Calendar
- Economic Statistics
- Weather
- Trading Strategy Query
- Performance statistics
- Strategy/Account settings
- Daily profit/loss
- Daily inventory
- Daily capital usage
- User defined parameter values
- Account Configuration
- Update and connect to broker accounts
- Query account balance/inventory/PL
- Orders
- Open/close/cancel orders
- Update outstanding/pending orders
What do I need in order to access the APIs?
All you need is to get an API Key, which is only eligible for a registered user. After log into the platform, you can generate the Key from Settings page.
What should I do if I want to re-generate the API Key?
The procedure is the same. The Key can be re-generated from Settings page, with user verification. After the key re-generation, your old API key will become invalid and cannot be used to access ALGOGENE APIs.
Where can I get start?
ALGOGENE's REST API Docs is a tool used to explore the available API functions and the required parameters. It provides a thorough experience for discovering what the API can do. For full parameter descriptions and syntax examples, we frequently encouraged developers reading the API Docs, filtering and practicing those calls.
What format are the requests and responses?
The API uses standard REST protocol (GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, CONNECT, OPTIONS, TRACE) with request and response payloads formatted as JSON.
Are there usage limits for the API service?
We offer free API service for our global community of users. You are recommended to make API requests prudently (up to 1 API requests per minute and 1440 requests per day) to achieve the best server performance. If you would like to target a larger API call, you are welcome to upgrade to a premium service here.
Do you have Postbacks or Webhooks?
The current API release does not contain these callback methods. However, Webhooks is listed in our development plan.
After the next release, ALGOGENE Webhooks allow you to set up an integration with a third party service based on ALGOGENE events. You can use the integration to enable notifications via text, email or a communication app whenever an ALGOGENE event occurs. From Dashboard Settings, you can define your own conditions and HTTP callback to trigger an action/notification. For each Webhook, you will need to configure corresponding listeners and subscribe it to events. The Webhook listener will look out for your defined URL for incoming HTTPS POST notification messages.
Can you help on coding?
Maybe but it is not considered as a normal practice. We are happy to answer questions and provide sample codes. However, if you require extensive coding, we would need to discuss your needs. Our development team would review your request and provide a cost estimate for you. Please contact us at support@algogene.com for the user requirements.
Can I open-source (eg. GitHub) my developed library/wrapper for ALGOGENE API?
Yes, we truly appreciate the help and support from the community to make ALGOGENE even more accessible and developer-friendly. However, for our users to get the original debugging and troubleshooting information from ALGOGENE, your library/wrapper should preserves the content of our JSON responses in both success and error cases.
What should I do if I would like to improve an existing API or propose a new technical feature?
We are eager to deliver the best user experience with the highest technical expertise. Please free feel to contact our support team anytime!